

@RedAcaciaLagos Landing Page

Welcome to @RedAcaciaLagos website. If you're on this page, you have been referred by Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. This page links you to information you want to see - you can also navigate from the site menus if you prefer.


Click here to get all information on our transition to an online-only store


Instagram Picture of the Day
Shop the items on our Picture of the Day.


Shop Our Items (Our Home Page)
Explore a wide assortment of goods from our two main collections. The "Again" Collection features gently used, refurbished items, and the "New" Collection for new items. Both offer functional & aesthetically beautiful Furniture, Kitchen items, Garden/Patio/Outdoors items, Décor, Organizers, and more.


The Red Acacia Bidding Process
Sometimes, we do have items that are open to bidding. These items will be marked on the Instagram post they're on. This Bidding Process link describes our bidding process.


The Red Acacia Widow Program
Red Acacia's Widow Program is made possible by material donations of unused but useful home artifacts from well-meaning individuals or organizations. We donate 80% of all profits from the sales of these donated items to directly assist Widows in need under this program. Click to learn more about what we are doing in this space.