The Organized Lifestyle
Does Dressing Affect our Productivity?
Last week I went for a business meeting. What stood out for me wasn’t the meeting itself, but how I felt throughout the day. I ended up being quite productive and was noticeably more relaxed in the evening. My mind went, “Oh, that was a nice day”, but my intuition prompted, “Look further”.
What was different about that day?
How I Determine the Amounts of Chicken, Fish, and Goat Meat for my Grocery List
The Basics:
Chicken: I favor the size XL or L as sold by Chi Shoppe. This is not to say I buy my chicken only from Chi Shoppe. This is just to give you an idea of the chicken size I buy since I don’t really take note of the weight marking. It's a see, feel, buy sort of thing. That’s the size I would eyeball and get at any shop I go to.
How a Meal Plan & Grocery List Keeps You in Control
“What are we eating?” had become a magnified PLUS Button on my stress level control. I was focused on so many things at the time and my stress tank had maxed out.From the deep crevices of my tired brain, I’d decide on a meal, only for us to realize we didn’t have the prepping ingredients. In the middle of this stressfu...